Morris, William (1834-96) Assets (255 in total)

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Diaper design for wallpaper, 1883
Diaper design for wallpaper, 1883

WMA143166: Diaper design for wallpaper, 1883, Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Penelope, worked by Bessie Burden, c.1860 (embroidery on serge)
Penelope, worked by Bessie Burden, c.1860 (embroidery on serge)

KLM278246: Penelope, worked by Bessie Burden, c.1860 (embroidery on serge), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Tulip design printing block, 1875 (carved wood)
Tulip design printing block, 1875 (carved wood)

STC156428: Tulip design printing block, 1875 (carved wood), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Artemis, 1861 (ink on paper)
Artemis, 1861 (ink on paper)

TLH496360: Artemis, 1861 (ink on paper), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

'Powdered' design (textile)
'Powdered' design (textile)

SC27864: 'Powdered' design (textile), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

'The Flower Pot', embroidered panel designed by William Morris (1834-96) and executed by May Morris (b/w print)
'The Flower Pot', embroidered panel designed by William Morris (1834-96) and executed by May Morris (b/w print)

BAL76781: 'The Flower Pot', embroidered panel designed by William Morris (1834-96) and executed by May Morris (b/w print), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Angel playing the Lute, detail from the bottom centre of the Angels Window, 1869 (stained glass) (see also 120165)
Angel playing the Lute, detail from the bottom centre of the Angels Window, 1869 (stained glass) (see also 120165)

MOK120168: Angel playing the Lute, detail from the bottom centre of the Angels Window, 1869 (stained glass) (see also 120165), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Angel with a rebec, 1869 (stained glass) (see also 54923 & 77951)
Angel with a rebec, 1869 (stained glass) (see also 54923 & 77951)

ASD54932: Angel with a rebec, 1869 (stained glass) (see also 54923 & 77951), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

'In the Beginning', detail from the Creation Window, 1861 (stained glass) (detail of 120153)
'In the Beginning', detail from the Creation Window, 1861 (stained glass) (detail of 120153)

MOK120175: 'In the Beginning', detail from the Creation Window, 1861 (stained glass) (detail of 120153), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Angel from the chancel east window, Bradford Cathedral (stained glass)
Angel from the chancel east window, Bradford Cathedral (stained glass)

WHT162232: Angel from the chancel east window, Bradford Cathedral (stained glass), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Golden Bough, designed 1888, manufactured 1888-1917 (woven silk and linen)
Golden Bough, designed 1888, manufactured 1888-1917 (woven silk and linen)

FAS160766: Golden Bough, designed 1888, manufactured 1888-1917 (woven silk and linen), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

St Catherine, worked by Jane Morris (1839-1914), c.1860 (brick stitch appliqued on velvet)
St Catherine, worked by Jane Morris (1839-1914), c.1860 (brick stitch appliqued on velvet)

KLM278245: St Catherine, worked by Jane Morris (1839-1914), c.1860 (brick stitch appliqued on velvet), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Frontispiece to The Wood Beyond the World, Hammersmith, U.K.: The Kelmscott Press, 1894 (woodcut)
Frontispiece to The Wood Beyond the World, Hammersmith, U.K.: The Kelmscott Press, 1894 (woodcut)

SMT1217200: Frontispiece to The Wood Beyond the World, Hammersmith, U.K.: The Kelmscott Press, 1894 (woodcut), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

XLA3750917: Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

'Dove and Rose' fabric design, c.1879 (textile)
'Dove and Rose' fabric design, c.1879 (textile)

BAL1462: 'Dove and Rose' fabric design, c.1879 (textile), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration from Geoffrey Chaucer's 'Legend of Good Women' c.1875 (tapestry)
Illustration from Geoffrey Chaucer's 'Legend of Good Women' c.1875 (tapestry)

XTD75485: Illustration from Geoffrey Chaucer's 'Legend of Good Women' c.1875 (tapestry), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

'Trellis' wallpaper design, 1864
'Trellis' wallpaper design, 1864

SC27881: 'Trellis' wallpaper design, 1864, Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Marigold textile design (paper)
Marigold textile design (paper)

ECD16277: Marigold textile design (paper), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

St. Paul Preaching at Athens, 1861 (stained glass)
St. Paul Preaching at Athens, 1861 (stained glass)

MOK120155: St. Paul Preaching at Athens, 1861 (stained glass), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna and Child with Musical Angels, 1869 (stained glass) (for details see 120166)
Madonna and Child with Musical Angels, 1869 (stained glass) (for details see 120166)

MOK120165: Madonna and Child with Musical Angels, 1869 (stained glass) (for details see 120166), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Unfinished 'Bird and Vine' wood block design for wallpaper, 1878 (pencil and w/c on paper)
Unfinished 'Bird and Vine' wood block design for wallpaper, 1878 (pencil and w/c on paper)

WMA143169: Unfinished 'Bird and Vine' wood block design for wallpaper, 1878 (pencil and w/c on paper), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

'Daisy' wallpaper design. 1862
'Daisy' wallpaper design. 1862

ECD16283: 'Daisy' wallpaper design. 1862, Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

African Marigold (block printing on fabric)
African Marigold (block printing on fabric)

WHT430620: African Marigold (block printing on fabric), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Study for the painted panels on the St. George Cabinet, designed by Philip Webb (1831-1915), 1861 (pen and ink and wash on paper)
Study for the painted panels on the St. George Cabinet, designed by Philip Webb (1831-1915), 1861 (pen and ink and wash on paper)

STC156426: Study for the painted panels on the St. George Cabinet, designed by Philip Webb (1831-1915), 1861 (pen and ink and wash on paper), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Day: Angel Holding a Sun, c.1862-64 (w/c and pencil on paper)
Day: Angel Holding a Sun, c.1862-64 (w/c and pencil on paper)

HST129556: Day: Angel Holding a Sun, c.1862-64 (w/c and pencil on paper), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Peacock and Dragon, manufactured by Morris & Co., 1878 (woven wool panel with original trim)
Peacock and Dragon, manufactured by Morris & Co., 1878 (woven wool panel with original trim)

FAS136484: Peacock and Dragon, manufactured by Morris & Co., 1878 (woven wool panel with original trim), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Angel with a dulcimer, from the chancel apse, 1861 (stained glass)
Angel with a dulcimer, from the chancel apse, 1861 (stained glass)

MOK120132: Angel with a dulcimer, from the chancel apse, 1861 (stained glass), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

The Three Maries at the Sepulchre, 1862 (stained glass)
The Three Maries at the Sepulchre, 1862 (stained glass)

MOK120147: The Three Maries at the Sepulchre, 1862 (stained glass), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Plants and Trees, detail from the Creation Window, 1861 (stained glass) (detail of 120153)
Plants and Trees, detail from the Creation Window, 1861 (stained glass) (detail of 120153)

MOK120177: Plants and Trees, detail from the Creation Window, 1861 (stained glass) (detail of 120153), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

'Thistle' Wallpaper Design, late 19th century (colour woodblock print on paper)
'Thistle' Wallpaper Design, late 19th century (colour woodblock print on paper)

STC661067: 'Thistle' Wallpaper Design, late 19th century (colour woodblock print on paper), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

The Golden Legend
The Golden Legend

BAL6369: The Golden Legend, Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

'Wild Tulip' wallpaper design, 1884
'Wild Tulip' wallpaper design, 1884

ECD16275: 'Wild Tulip' wallpaper design, 1884, Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Detail of a curtain, Tulip and Rose Design (cotton)
Detail of a curtain, Tulip and Rose Design (cotton)

CHE147262: Detail of a curtain, Tulip and Rose Design (cotton), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Sir Lancelot bringing Sir Tristram and the Belle Iseult to Joyous Gard, painting on the doors of a cupboard in the entrance hall (oil on panel)
Sir Lancelot bringing Sir Tristram and the Belle Iseult to Joyous Gard, painting on the doors of a cupboard in the entrance hall (oil on panel)

USB392945: Sir Lancelot bringing Sir Tristram and the Belle Iseult to Joyous Gard, painting on the doors of a cupboard in the entrance hall (oil on panel), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

The Annunciation, 1861 (stained glass)
The Annunciation, 1861 (stained glass)

MOK120136: The Annunciation, 1861 (stained glass), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna and Child with Two Angels, detail of the upper Half of the Angels Window, 1869 (stained glass) (detail of 120165)
Madonna and Child with Two Angels, detail of the upper Half of the Angels Window, 1869 (stained glass) (detail of 120165)

MOK120167: Madonna and Child with Two Angels, detail of the upper Half of the Angels Window, 1869 (stained glass) (detail of 120165), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

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