Morris, William (1834-96) Assets (255 in total)

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Detail of 'If I Can', 1857 (embroidery)
Detail of 'If I Can', 1857 (embroidery)

KLM3267869: Detail of 'If I Can', 1857 (embroidery), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

The Woodpecker Tapestry, designed by William Morris (1834-96) 1885 (for detail see 87205)
The Woodpecker Tapestry, designed by William Morris (1834-96) 1885 (for detail see 87205)

WMA87204: The Woodpecker Tapestry, designed by William Morris (1834-96) 1885 (for detail see 87205), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Front cover of Virgil's 'Aeneid' (leather)
Front cover of Virgil's 'Aeneid' (leather)

CH621805: Front cover of Virgil's 'Aeneid' (leather), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Brer Rabbit, or Brother Rabbit, 1882 (block printed on fabric)
Brer Rabbit, or Brother Rabbit, 1882 (block printed on fabric)

WHT430675: Brer Rabbit, or Brother Rabbit, 1882 (block printed on fabric), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Spring, 1873 (stained glass)
Spring, 1873 (stained glass)

USB131827: Spring, 1873 (stained glass), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Autumn, one of four panels in the Inglenook fireplace in the dining room, c.1873 (stained glass)
Autumn, one of four panels in the Inglenook fireplace in the dining room, c.1873 (stained glass)

USB131829: Autumn, one of four panels in the Inglenook fireplace in the dining room, c.1873 (stained glass), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

'Medway' design, 1885 (printed cotton)
'Medway' design, 1885 (printed cotton)

JB11354: 'Medway' design, 1885 (printed cotton), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Angels behind the inner sanctuary, from 'The Kelmscott Chaucer', published by Kelmscott Press, 1896 (engraving)
Angels behind the inner sanctuary, from 'The Kelmscott Chaucer', published by Kelmscott Press, 1896 (engraving)

STC156431: Angels behind the inner sanctuary, from 'The Kelmscott Chaucer', published by Kelmscott Press, 1896 (engraving), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Willow wallpaper design, 1874
Willow wallpaper design, 1874

WMA152644: Willow wallpaper design, 1874, Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Utecht Velvet, Morris, William (1834-96), 1871
Utecht Velvet, Morris, William (1834-96), 1871

STC255861: Utecht Velvet, Morris, William (1834-96), 1871, Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

William Morris - Design for The Strawberry Thief
William Morris - Design for The Strawberry Thief

XLA3763302: William Morris - Design for The Strawberry Thief, Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 270* f.1r The Story of Hen Thorir, c.1873-4 (paper)
Ms 270* f.1r The Story of Hen Thorir, c.1873-4 (paper)

FIT88376: Ms 270* f.1r The Story of Hen Thorir, c.1873-4 (paper), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1340-1400) (ceramic tile)
Portrait of Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1340-1400) (ceramic tile)

STC214698: Portrait of Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1340-1400) (ceramic tile), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

'Lea', 1912 (block-printed cotton)
'Lea', 1912 (block-printed cotton)

SC6638: 'Lea', 1912 (block-printed cotton), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

'Bower' wallpaper design
'Bower' wallpaper design

SC27873: 'Bower' wallpaper design, Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Fragment of Ingrain carpet, c.1870 (wool)
Fragment of Ingrain carpet, c.1870 (wool)

CNC6515: Fragment of Ingrain carpet, c.1870 (wool), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

The 'Kelmscott Chaucer', published 1896 by the Kelmscott Press
The 'Kelmscott Chaucer', published 1896 by the Kelmscott Press

STC156430: The 'Kelmscott Chaucer', published 1896 by the Kelmscott Press, Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Original artwork for 'Trellis' wallpaper design, 1862 (w/c on paper)
Original artwork for 'Trellis' wallpaper design, 1862 (w/c on paper)

WMA143172: Original artwork for 'Trellis' wallpaper design, 1862 (w/c on paper), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Acanthus Leaves, Wild Rose on Crimson Background, 19th century (wallpaper)
Acanthus Leaves, Wild Rose on Crimson Background, 19th century (wallpaper)

STC255751: Acanthus Leaves, Wild Rose on Crimson Background, 19th century (wallpaper), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Dido and Cupid, page 26 from Virgil's 'Aeneid' (w/c on vellum)
Dido and Cupid, page 26 from Virgil's 'Aeneid' (w/c on vellum)

CH621806: Dido and Cupid, page 26 from Virgil's 'Aeneid' (w/c on vellum) , Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Burning Ships, illustration from 'Venus and Aeneas', opening of Book I of Virgil's 'Aeneid' (w/c on vellum)
Burning Ships, illustration from 'Venus and Aeneas', opening of Book I of Virgil's 'Aeneid' (w/c on vellum)

CH692882: Burning Ships, illustration from 'Venus and Aeneas', opening of Book I of Virgil's 'Aeneid' (w/c on vellum) , Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

William Morris' Manifesto for
William Morris' Manifesto for

XLA3771305: William Morris' Manifesto for, Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

'Hammersmith Rug', c.1880 (wool)
'Hammersmith Rug', c.1880 (wool)

BAL1464: 'Hammersmith Rug', c.1880 (wool), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

The 'Kelmscott Chaucer', published 1896 by the Kelmscott Press
The 'Kelmscott Chaucer', published 1896 by the Kelmscott Press

BCC86288: The 'Kelmscott Chaucer', published 1896 by the Kelmscott Press, Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Design for 'Lea' wallpaper, 1885
Design for 'Lea' wallpaper, 1885

SC8325: Design for 'Lea' wallpaper, 1885, Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Banner of the Hammersmith Socialist Society (textile)
Banner of the Hammersmith Socialist Society (textile)

STC255103: Banner of the Hammersmith Socialist Society (textile), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Angel with a violin, 1861 (stained glass)
Angel with a violin, 1861 (stained glass)

MOK120131: Angel with a violin, 1861 (stained glass), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Musical Angels, detail of the Lower Half of the Angels Window, 1869 (stained glass) (detail of 120165)
Musical Angels, detail of the Lower Half of the Angels Window, 1869 (stained glass) (detail of 120165)

MOK120166: Musical Angels, detail of the Lower Half of the Angels Window, 1869 (stained glass) (detail of 120165), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Venus giving armour to Aeneas, opening of Book VIII of Virgil's 'Aeneid' (w/c on vellum)
Venus giving armour to Aeneas, opening of Book VIII of Virgil's 'Aeneid' (w/c on vellum)

CH621807: Venus giving armour to Aeneas, opening of Book VIII of Virgil's 'Aeneid' (w/c on vellum) , Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Bird Wallpaper Design (colour woodblock print on paper)
Bird Wallpaper Design (colour woodblock print on paper)

STC661078: Bird Wallpaper Design (colour woodblock print on paper), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Wall hanging from Hammersmith Terrace (textile)
Wall hanging from Hammersmith Terrace (textile)

JB11338: Wall hanging from Hammersmith Terrace (textile), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Hammersmith, 1890 (block printing)
Hammersmith, 1890 (block printing)

WHT430720: Hammersmith, 1890 (block printing), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

The Ascension, 1861 (stained glass)
The Ascension, 1861 (stained glass)

MOK120164: The Ascension, 1861 (stained glass), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

'If I Can', 1857 (embroidery)
'If I Can', 1857 (embroidery)

KLM3267871: 'If I Can', 1857 (embroidery), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Cassandra bound, page 44 from Virgil's 'Aeneid' (w/c on vellum)
Cassandra bound, page 44 from Virgil's 'Aeneid' (w/c on vellum)

CH621802: Cassandra bound, page 44 from Virgil's 'Aeneid' (w/c on vellum) , Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

Tulip design printing block, 1875 (carved wood)
Tulip design printing block, 1875 (carved wood)

STC156428: Tulip design printing block, 1875 (carved wood), Morris, William (1834-96) / Bridgeman Images

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