Greenaway, Kate (1846-1901)

Creator details

Greenaway, Kate (1846-1901)

Assets (172 in total)

The Pied Piper of Hamelin
Polly put the kettle on
Little Miss Muffet illustrated
'Taking in the roses' by Kate Greenaway.
Little Jack Horner nursery
'Bubbles'  by Kate Greenaway.
Christmas Caroling (w/c on paper)
Little Bo-peep has lost
Illustration for the letter 'A' from 'Apple Pie Alphabet', published 1885 (colour litho)
'Little boys and girls, will you come and ride with me on my broomstick?', illustration from 'Under the Window' by the artist, late 19th century (colour litho)
'The Chappells' cottage at Rolleston'   by Kate Greenaway
Draw a pail of

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