Promenade dans les catacombes - in “” Life in Paris”” by David Carey, ill. by Georges Cruikshank, ed. Faiburn, London, 1822, Cruikshank, George (1792-1878) / Bridgeman Images
Mr Bumble and Mrs Corney taking tea, from 'The Adventures of Oliver Twist' by Charles Dickens (1812-70) 1838 (engraving), Cruikshank, George (1792-1878) / Bridgeman Images
Installation of a Knight of the Bath, or delicate recreations on board a Polacre, 1820 (hand-coloured engraving), Cruikshank, George (1792-1878) / Bridgeman Images
The Secret Insult or Bribery and Corruption Rejected, published by Benbow, 1820 (engraving), Cruikshank, George (1792-1878) / Bridgeman Images
The last chance, from 'The Adventures of Oliver Twist' by Charles Dickens (1812-70) 1838 (engraving), Cruikshank, George (1792-1878) / Bridgeman Images
The Rights of Women, or the Effects of Female Enfranchisement, pub. 1853 (hand coloured engraving), Cruikshank, George (1792-1878) / Bridgeman Images
'Crossing the Line', illustration from a series of prints on life in the Navy, 1825 (colour litho), Cruikshank, George (1792-1878) / Bridgeman Images
The Escape No. 3, illustration from 'Jack Sheppard: A Romance' by William Harrison Ainsworth, published 1839 (hand coloured etching), Cruikshank, George (1792-1878) / Bridgeman Images
Mr John Bull in a Quandary or the Anticipated effects of the Railway Calls, pub. 1845 (engraving), Cruikshank, George (1792-1878) / Bridgeman Images
The "Bloomers" in Hyde Park or An Extraordinary Exhibition for 1852, pub. 1852 (hand coloured engraving), Cruikshank, George (1792-1878) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from 'The True Legened of St. Dunstan and the Devil' by Edward G. Flight, London (India ink on paper), Cruikshank, George (1792-1878) / Bridgeman Images
Shuttlecocks and Mackerel, or Members Going to Vote on the Corn Bill, March 14, 1815 (hand-coloured etching on laid paper), Cruikshank, George (1792-1878) / Bridgeman Images
A Lay of St. Nicholas, from 'The Ingoldsby Legends' by Thomas Ingoldsby, published by Richard Bentley & Son, 1887 (litho), Cruikshank, George (1792-1878) / Bridgeman Images