Szumowski, Peter

Creator details

Szumowski, Peter
Peter Szumowski is an artist who was born and works in Sheffield. Amongst many commissions, he painted a picture of a flying saucer over Stonehenge, entitled ‘The Return’, for the Renault Company. One of his garden pictures was used as a record sleeve for Mozarts 41st Symphony and others have appeared on greeting cards. His paintings have also been exhibited in the Barbican and at the Rona Gallery, Mayfair.

Assets (112 in total)

The Snowman
Almost Home, 1996
Summer Cycling, 1996
Meeting in the Park, 1996
The Fairway, 1996
The Lighthouse, 1996 (oil on canvas)
Going Home, 1989 (oil on canvas)
Abstract Composition, 1996
The Seeds of Hope
Fools Mate
A Family Outing

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