Silvestre, Louis de (1675-1760)

Creator details

Silvestre, Louis de (1675-1760)

Assets (15 in total)

Louis XIV (1638-1715) welcomes the Elector of Saxony, Frederick Augustus II (1670-1733) to Fontainebleau, 27th September 1714, 1715 (oil on canvas)
King Augustus II of Poland, before 1730 (oil on canvas)
Frederick Augustus I (1670-1733) Elector of Saxony and King of Poland (oil on canvas)
Augustus II (1670-1733) Elector of Saxony and King of Poland with King Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia (1688-1740) (oil on canvas)
Maria Amalia of Saxony (1724-60) Queen of Spain (oil on canvas)
Arion Playing Lyre. Arion De Methymne Is A Greek Poet From The 7th Century Bc, 1701 (oil on canvas)
King of France Louis XIV receives the prince Frederick Augustus I in the castle of Fontainebleau (Painting, 1715)
Marie Josephe de Habsburg, Archduchess of Austria, 1733 (oil on canvas)
The Meeting at Neuhaus in Bohemia, 24th May 1737 (oil on canvas)
A Winter Scene
Portrait of Augustus III of Poland (oil on canvas)
King Augustus III (1696-1763) of Poland as Prince, c.1718 (oil on canvas)

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