John Hervey, Baron Hervey of Ickworth (1696-1743) Holding the Purse of Office as Lord Privy Seal, 1741 (oil on canvas), Loo, Jean-Baptiste van (1684-1745) / Bridgeman Images
Lord John Hervey, 2nd Baron Hervey of Ickworth, PC, MP (1696-1743) holding his Purse of Office as Lord Privy Seal, Loo, Jean-Baptiste van (1684-1745) / Bridgeman Images
Augusta, Princess of Wales with Members of her Family and Household, 1739 (oil on canvas), Loo, Jean-Baptiste van (1684-1745) / Bridgeman Images
Augusta, Princess of Wales with Members of her Family and Household, 1739 (oil on canvas), Loo, Jean-Baptiste van (1684-1745) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Stanislas Leszcinski King of Poland, Duke of Lorraine and Bar, 18th century (oil on canvas), Loo, Jean-Baptiste van (1684-1745) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of John, Lord Henry (1696-1743), three-quarter-length, seated in a Brown Ermine Lined Coat, with the Purse of Lord Privy Seal, 1741 (oil on canvas), Loo, Jean-Baptiste van (1684-1745) / Bridgeman Images