LSE4333809: The saboteur of Terneuzen, has its established, enlarges and digs the wood by means of cramms. Engraving by X.Mellery, after nature, to illustrate the story “” Belgium””, in 1888, by Camille Lemonnier (1844-1913), art critic and writer. Published in the Tour du monde, 2nd semester 1883, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette edition, Paris., Mellery, Xavier (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4332742: A musico at the port of Antwerp, where sailors can drink and dance to the sound of the prickly organ. Engraving by X.Mellery, to illustrate the story of Belgium, by Camille Lemonnier, published in the Tour du monde, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), 1882, Paris. Selva Collection., Mellery, Xavier (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4332736: Cellar a Polichinelles, a cellar designed for puppet shows. Engraving by X.Mellery, to illustrate the story of Belgium, by Camille Lemonnier, published in the Tour du monde, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), 1882, Paris. Selva Collection., Mellery, Xavier (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4332745: The unloading of a ship, the dockers with their heads covered with a tarmac cap, pile up the goods on the docks of the port of Antwerp. Engraving by X.Mellery, to illustrate the story of Belgium, by Camille Lemonnier, published in the Tour du monde, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), 1882, Paris. Selva Collection., Mellery, Xavier (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4333883: Interior of the dwelling and weaver's workshop, with the weaver and the wheel, as well as a child wearing a wicker skirt that helps him to make his first steps. Engraving by X.Mellery, to illustrate the story “” La Belgique””, by Camille Lemonnier (1844-1913), writer and art critic. Published in the Tour du monde new journal des voyages, 1st semester 1884, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette edition, Paris., Mellery, Xavier (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4333984: Charbonniere depicting the statue of Saint Barbe, patron saint of miners and firefighters, at the annual fair in her honour. Engraving by X.Mellery, to illustrate the story “” Belgium””, by Camille Lemonnier (1844-1913) Belgian writer. Published in Le Tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages, 2nd semester 1884, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), edition Hachette, Paris., Mellery, Xavier (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4333990: The casting halls (or foundry hall) at the factories of Couillet (or Couyet, in the city of Charleroi). Engraving by X.Mellery, to illustrate the story “” Belgium””, by Camille Lemonnier (1844-1913) Belgian writer. Published in Le Tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages, 2nd semester 1884, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), edition Hachette, Paris., Mellery, Xavier (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4333807: The potter of Terneuzen, in his workshop, clogged with vases and dishes, near the window, the potter works the clay on the harness and his apprentice, below, works the turn. Engraving by X.Mellery, after nature, to illustrate the story “” Belgium””, in 1888, by Camille Lemonnier (1844-1913), art critic and writer. Published in the Tour du monde, 2nd semester 1883, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette edition, Paris., Mellery, Xavier (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4332568: Archery (or cradle shooting), almost every café in Brussels has a straight allee, lined with boards, or shooters one after the other come and maneuver the weapon aiming at a fake multicolored bird, the best shooter is king, these competitions are weekly. Engraving by Mellery, to illustrate the story of Belgium by Camille Lemonnier, published in the tour du monde, under the direction of Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Paris, 1881. Selva Collection., Mellery, Xavier (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4332731: Desalation of the skins, by women scraping the remains of the beasts stretched under the structures of the halls of the port of Antwerp. Engraving by X.Mellery, to illustrate the story of Belgium, by Camille Lemonnier, published in the Tour du monde, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), 1882, Paris. Selva Collection., Mellery, Xavier (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4333815: A factory exit in Ghent. Engraving by X. Mellery, after nature, to illustrate the story “” Belgium””, in 1888, by Camille Lemonnier (1844-1913), art critic and writer. Published in the Tour du monde, 2nd semester 1883, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette edition, Paris., Mellery, Xavier (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images