Master Bertram of Minden (c.1345-c.1415) Assets (44 in total)
The Tree of Knowledge, detail from the Grabow Altarpiece, 1379-83 (tempera on panel), Master Bertram of Minden (c.1345-c.1415) / Bridgeman Images
Left wing of the High Altar of St. Peter's in Hamburg, the Grabower Altar, 1383 (tempera on panel) (detail of 145257), Master Bertram of Minden (c.1345-c.1415) / Bridgeman Images
Joachim's Sacrifice, the Circumcision of Christ, the Annunciation to St. Joachim and the Adoration of the Magi from the left wing of the Buxtehude Altar, 1400-10 (tempera on panel), Master Bertram of Minden (c.1345-c.1415) / Bridgeman Images
The Creation of Eve, a panel from the Grabower Altar, the High Altar of St. Petri in Hamburg (oil on panel) (see also 153622), Master Bertram of Minden (c.1345-c.1415) / Bridgeman Images
The Building of the Ark from the High Altar of St. Peter's in Hamburg, the Grabower Altar, 1383 (tempera on panel), Master Bertram of Minden (c.1345-c.1415) / Bridgeman Images
The Visitation and the Dispute with Doctors, from the Buxtehude Altar, 1400-10 (tempera on panel), Master Bertram of Minden (c.1345-c.1415) / Bridgeman Images
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple, detail from the Grabow Altarpiece, 1379-83 (tempera on panel), Master Bertram of Minden (c.1345-c.1415) / Bridgeman Images
The Annunciation to the Shepherds and the Marriage at Cana, from the right wing of the Buxtehude Altar, 1400-10 (tempera on oak), Master Bertram of Minden (c.1345-c.1415) / Bridgeman Images