ICA4857402: Illustration by Eugene Damblans (1865-1945) in Le Pelerin, 04/06/05 - La coupe de l'ocean. Several German, English and American sailboats cross the Atlantic, competing for the gold cup offered by William II - Germany Prussia, Sport, America USA USA, England Great Britain, Marine Marine Seaside, Yachting, Ocean Cup - William II, Damblans, Eugene (1865-1945) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4134052: October 20, 1924: The Interrallied Military Control Commission discovered several thousand hidden shells in Berlin at the Borsig settlements. This constitutes a violation of the Treaty of Versailles, which demanded the disarming of Germany. Illustration of Damblans. In “” Le Pelerin”” of November 9, 1924., Damblans, Eugene (1865-1945) / Bridgeman Images