Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) Assets (83 in total)

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Women of the Gay Quarters, right hand panel of a diptych (colour woodblock pring) (see also 114571)
Women of the Gay Quarters, right hand panel of a diptych (colour woodblock pring) (see also 114571)

XAB114572: Women of the Gay Quarters, right hand panel of a diptych (colour woodblock pring) (see also 114571), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Women of the Gay Quarters, left hand panel of a diptych (colour woodblock print) (see also 114572)
Women of the Gay Quarters, left hand panel of a diptych (colour woodblock print) (see also 114572)

XAB114571: Women of the Gay Quarters, left hand panel of a diptych (colour woodblock print) (see also 114572), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Young woman wearing a wide straw hat, followed by a servant and a companion carrying a 'furoshiki', from the series 'Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki' (The Fashionable Beauties of Edo) 1783 (colour woodblock print)
Young woman wearing a wide straw hat, followed by a servant and a companion carrying a 'furoshiki', from the series 'Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki' (The Fashionable Beauties of Edo) 1783 (colour woodblock print)

XIR253102: Young woman wearing a wide straw hat, followed by a servant and a companion carrying a 'furoshiki', from the series 'Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki' (The Fashionable Beauties of Edo) 1783 (colour woodblock print), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

A Pilgrimage to Enoshima, c.1789 (colour woodblock print)
A Pilgrimage to Enoshima, c.1789 (colour woodblock print)

BST711623: A Pilgrimage to Enoshima, c.1789 (colour woodblock print), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

A Teahouse by the Water (colour woodblock print)
A Teahouse by the Water (colour woodblock print)

XIR242495: A Teahouse by the Water (colour woodblock print), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Murasaki Shikibu, c.1784 (colour woodblock print; oban)
Murasaki Shikibu, c.1784 (colour woodblock print; oban)

XCC5859285: Murasaki Shikibu, c.1784 (colour woodblock print; oban), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

MNS880247: "Entertainers of Tachibana-cho", 1782 (colour woodblock print) , Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Women’s Bathhouse (On'na yu) by Torii Kiyonaga, 1780s (woodblock print)
Women’s Bathhouse (On'na yu) by Torii Kiyonaga, 1780s (woodblock print)

GRC2622500: Women’s Bathhouse (On'na yu) by Torii Kiyonaga, 1780s (woodblock print), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images


PVD2628130: Yoshiwara, Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Two actors as Iwai Hanshiro IV and Segawa Kikunojo III in the 'Karukoma' dance, accompanied by Joruri recitation, c.1783 (colour woodblock print)
Two actors as Iwai Hanshiro IV and Segawa Kikunojo III in the 'Karukoma' dance, accompanied by Joruri recitation, c.1783 (colour woodblock print)

TBM375871: Two actors as Iwai Hanshiro IV and Segawa Kikunojo III in the 'Karukoma' dance, accompanied by Joruri recitation, c.1783 (colour woodblock print), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Flowers of the Doteshita District, from the series A Collection of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters, c.1783 (colour woodblock print)
Flowers of the Doteshita District, from the series A Collection of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters, c.1783 (colour woodblock print)

XCC2969340: Flowers of the Doteshita District, from the series A Collection of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters, c.1783 (colour woodblock print), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Cherry Blossoms at Asakayama near Edo, c.1787-88 (colour woodblock print)
Cherry Blossoms at Asakayama near Edo, c.1787-88 (colour woodblock print)

PHD674: Cherry Blossoms at Asakayama near Edo, c.1787-88 (colour woodblock print), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Okawabata Yuryo, Cooling Off Near the River Bank. [1785, Printed Later], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color., Print Shows Three Women Strolling Next to the Sumida(?) River, Enjoying the Cool Evening Air.
Okawabata Yuryo, Cooling Off Near the River Bank. [1785, Printed Later], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color., Print Shows Three Women Strolling Next to the Sumida(?) River, Enjoying the Cool Evening Air.

LZT1112737: Okawabata Yuryo, Cooling Off Near the River Bank. [1785, Printed Later], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color., Print Shows Three Women Strolling Next to the Sumida(?) River, Enjoying the Cool Evening Air., Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

The Third Month from the series Twelve Months in the South, c.1784 (colour woodblock print; oban diptych)
The Third Month from the series Twelve Months in the South, c.1784 (colour woodblock print; oban diptych)

XCC2969334: The Third Month from the series Twelve Months in the South, c.1784 (colour woodblock print; oban diptych), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Interior of a Bathhouse, c.1787 (colour woodblock print)
Interior of a Bathhouse, c.1787 (colour woodblock print)

BST711604: Interior of a Bathhouse, c.1787 (colour woodblock print), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Okawabata Yuryo, Cooling Off Near the River Bank. [1785, Printed Later], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color., Print Shows Three Women, Two Standing and One Sitting on a Bench Next to the Sumida(?) River, Enjoying the Cool Evening Air.
Okawabata Yuryo, Cooling Off Near the River Bank. [1785, Printed Later], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color., Print Shows Three Women, Two Standing and One Sitting on a Bench Next to the Sumida(?) River, Enjoying the Cool Evening Air.

LZT1112736: Okawabata Yuryo, Cooling Off Near the River Bank. [1785, Printed Later], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color., Print Shows Three Women, Two Standing and One Sitting on a Bench Next to the Sumida(?) River, Enjoying the Cool Evening Air., Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Pleasure Boats below Azuma Bridge, c.1784 (colour woodblock print)
Pleasure Boats below Azuma Bridge, c.1784 (colour woodblock print)

XCC2969336: Pleasure Boats below Azuma Bridge, c.1784 (colour woodblock print), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

A Fan Suggesting a Dispersed Storm from the series Eight Fashionable Scenes of the Parlour, c.1777 (colour woodblock print)
A Fan Suggesting a Dispersed Storm from the series Eight Fashionable Scenes of the Parlour, c.1777 (colour woodblock print)

XCC2969510: A Fan Suggesting a Dispersed Storm from the series Eight Fashionable Scenes of the Parlour, c.1777 (colour woodblock print), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Entertainers of Nakazu, from the series A Collection of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters, c.1784 (colour woodblock print)
Entertainers of Nakazu, from the series A Collection of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters, c.1784 (colour woodblock print)

XCC2969333: Entertainers of Nakazu, from the series A Collection of Contemporary Beauties of the Pleasure Quarters, c.1784 (colour woodblock print), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

The Courtesan Katsuyama of the Echizenya House, late 18th-early 19th century
The Courtesan Katsuyama of the Echizenya House, late 18th-early 19th century

MNS881992: The Courtesan Katsuyama of the Echizenya House, late 18th-early 19th century, Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Fishmonger, pub.c1780 (colour woodblock print)
Fishmonger, pub.c1780 (colour woodblock print)

STC3664671: Fishmonger, pub.c1780 (colour woodblock print), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Matsuchiyama No Yukimi, Viewing Snow at Mount Matchi. [1784, Printed Later], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color., Print Shows a Man and Two Women Standing in the Snow Outside a Shrine, One Woman Carries an Offering.
Matsuchiyama No Yukimi, Viewing Snow at Mount Matchi. [1784, Printed Later], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color., Print Shows a Man and Two Women Standing in the Snow Outside a Shrine, One Woman Carries an Offering.

LZT1112738: Matsuchiyama No Yukimi, Viewing Snow at Mount Matchi. [1784, Printed Later], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color., Print Shows a Man and Two Women Standing in the Snow Outside a Shrine, One Woman Carries an Offering., Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Ouka No Nibijin, Two Beauties Under a Cherry Tree. [1782 or 1783], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 69 X 11.8 ., Print Shows Two Women Standing Beneath a Blossoming Cherry Tree.
Ouka No Nibijin, Two Beauties Under a Cherry Tree. [1782 or 1783], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 69 X 11.8 ., Print Shows Two Women Standing Beneath a Blossoming Cherry Tree.

LZT1112116: Ouka No Nibijin, Two Beauties Under a Cherry Tree. [1782 or 1783], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 69 X 11.8 ., Print Shows Two Women Standing Beneath a Blossoming Cherry Tree., Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Kesagozen, Kesa Gozen of the Heian Period. [1783 or 1784], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 24.5 X 18.6 ., Print Shows a Domestic Scene with a Man Sitting on the Floor Holding Writing Implements and Kesa Gozen Standing Nearby, Her Hair Down, Having Just Washed It, Hanging a Piece of Cloth to Dry, Also a Washbasin Near Them.
Kesagozen, Kesa Gozen of the Heian Period. [1783 or 1784], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 24.5 X 18.6 ., Print Shows a Domestic Scene with a Man Sitting on the Floor Holding Writing Implements and Kesa Gozen Standing Nearby, Her Hair Down, Having Just Washed It, Hanging a Piece of Cloth to Dry, Also a Washbasin Near Them.

LZT1112127: Kesagozen, Kesa Gozen of the Heian Period. [1783 or 1784], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 24.5 X 18.6 ., Print Shows a Domestic Scene with a Man Sitting on the Floor Holding Writing Implements and Kesa Gozen Standing Nearby, Her Hair Down, Having Just Washed It, Hanging a Piece of Cloth to Dry, Also a Washbasin Near Them., Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Kyomachi Nichome Kirihishiya Uchi Manyo, the Courtesan Manyo of the House of Kirihishi at Nichome Kyomachi in Yoshiwara. [Between 1779 and 1781], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 22.4 X 16 ., Print Shows the Courtesan Manyo with Another Courtesan and Two Young Female Attendants.
Kyomachi Nichome Kirihishiya Uchi Manyo, the Courtesan Manyo of the House of Kirihishi at Nichome Kyomachi in Yoshiwara. [Between 1779 and 1781], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 22.4 X 16 ., Print Shows the Courtesan Manyo with Another Courtesan and Two Young Female Attendants.

LZT1112128: Kyomachi Nichome Kirihishiya Uchi Manyo, the Courtesan Manyo of the House of Kirihishi at Nichome Kyomachi in Yoshiwara. [Between 1779 and 1781], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 22.4 X 16 ., Print Shows the Courtesan Manyo with Another Courtesan and Two Young Female Attendants., Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Hanami, Cherry Blossom Viewing. [Between 1791 and 1793], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 21.3 X 14.4 ., Print Shows Two Women Viewing Cherry Blossoms from a Footpath above a Village.
Hanami, Cherry Blossom Viewing. [Between 1791 and 1793], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 21.3 X 14.4 ., Print Shows Two Women Viewing Cherry Blossoms from a Footpath above a Village.

LZT1112131: Hanami, Cherry Blossom Viewing. [Between 1791 and 1793], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 21.3 X 14.4 ., Print Shows Two Women Viewing Cherry Blossoms from a Footpath above a Village., Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Three Beautiful Women, 18th-19th century (woodblock print)
Three Beautiful Women, 18th-19th century (woodblock print)

MAM713498: Three Beautiful Women, 18th-19th century (woodblock print), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Returning Boats at the Beginning of Autumn, c.1779 (woodblock print)
Returning Boats at the Beginning of Autumn, c.1779 (woodblock print)

FIT111449: Returning Boats at the Beginning of Autumn, c.1779 (woodblock print), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Japan: 'Sixth month' from the series 'Minami juni ko', Torii Kiyonaga (1752-1815)
Japan: 'Sixth month' from the series 'Minami juni ko', Torii Kiyonaga (1752-1815)

PFH1177470: Japan: 'Sixth month' from the series 'Minami juni ko', Torii Kiyonaga (1752-1815), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Japan: Two courtesans, one looking at the moon the other playing a musical instrument, with a customer on a pleasure boat. Torii Kiyonaga (1752-1815)
Japan: Two courtesans, one looking at the moon the other playing a musical instrument, with a customer on a pleasure boat. Torii Kiyonaga (1752-1815)

PFH1177472: Japan: Two courtesans, one looking at the moon the other playing a musical instrument, with a customer on a pleasure boat. Torii Kiyonaga (1752-1815), Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Japan: 'Three Drunken Women', Torii Kiyonaga
Japan: 'Three Drunken Women', Torii Kiyonaga

PFH1177463: Japan: 'Three Drunken Women', Torii Kiyonaga, Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Japan: Parody of Lady Joruri and Ushiwakamaru. Left hand print of triptych by Torii Kiyonaga (1752-1815) :
Japan: Parody of Lady Joruri and Ushiwakamaru. Left hand print of triptych by Torii Kiyonaga (1752-1815) :

PFH1177473: Japan: Parody of Lady Joruri and Ushiwakamaru. Left hand print of triptych by Torii Kiyonaga (1752-1815) :, Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Women by an Iris Pond, 1785
Women by an Iris Pond, 1785

MNS883439: Women by an Iris Pond, 1785, Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Scene from the AKbuki Play
Scene from the AKbuki Play

MNS883440: Scene from the AKbuki Play "Yukimotsutake furisode Genji", 1785, Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Picnic in a Daimyo_'s Garden, 1786
Picnic in a Daimyo_'s Garden, 1786

MNS881990: Picnic in a Daimyo_'s Garden, 1786, Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

(The Sanno_ Festival Procession), 1788
(The Sanno_ Festival Procession), 1788

MNS882544: (The Sanno_ Festival Procession), 1788, Kiyonaga, Torii (1752-1815) / Bridgeman Images

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