James I of England and VI of Scotland, c.1610 (w/c, gouache and gold, pen and black ink on vellum), Hilliard, Nicholas (1547-1619) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Charles Howard, 2nd Baron Howard of Effingham, 1576 (w/c on vellum in a gilt metal frame), Hilliard, Nicholas (1547-1619) / Bridgeman Images
A lady traditionally identified as Mary Queen of Scots, 1573 (w/c & bodycolour on vellum), Hilliard, Nicholas (1547-1619) / Bridgeman Images
Miniatures of Hilliard's Father and Mother, self portrait and unknown portraits of man and woman, Hilliard, Nicholas (1547-1619) / Bridgeman Images
Miniatures, from L to R, T to B: Man with a Hand from a cloud; Unknown Young Man, 1588; Mrs Holland aged 26, 1593; Arabella Stuart, Duchess of Lennox; Unknown Lady, Hilliard, Nicholas (1547-1619) / Bridgeman Images
Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia Daughter of James 1st of England, c.1605-15 (w/c and gouache on vellum laid onto card), Hilliard, Nicholas (1547-1619) / Bridgeman Images
Collection of miniatures: Francis Drake (now in the National Portrait Gallery, see 1619); Elizabeth I (now in the National Portrait Gallery); Isaac Oliver; Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, Hilliard, Nicholas (1547-1619) / Bridgeman Images
A girl of the Elizabethan court, aged 6, in elaborate dress and lace ruff, 1586 (pigment on vellum in gilt-metal frame), Hilliard, Nicholas (1547-1619) / Bridgeman Images