A Peep at Sandringham, Norfolk, the Country Residence of the Prince and Princess of Wales (engraving), Loye, Charles Auguste (Montbard) (1841-1905) / Bridgeman Images
Scenes in Naauwpoort Camp, which General French used as his Base until 7 December (litho), Loye, Charles Auguste (Montbard) (1841-1905) / Bridgeman Images
Two Views of the Boer Attempt to dam the Klip River and inundate Ladysmith (engraving), Loye, Charles Auguste (Montbard) (1841-1905) / Bridgeman Images
British Bloemfontein, hoisting the Union Jack sent by Lady Roberts (engraving), Loye, Charles Auguste (Montbard) (1841-1905) / Bridgeman Images
Sketches in the Samoa Islands, the Scene of the late Disaster to the German and American War-Ships (engraving), Loye, Charles Auguste (Montbard) (1841-1905) / Bridgeman Images