One of the Changes wrought by the Aro Expedition, a "Ju-Ju" House at Arochuku occupied by British Officers since 23 December (litho), Loye, Charles Auguste (Montbard) (1841-1905) / Bridgeman Images
The Crisis in Egypt, a Guard-House of Soldiers of the Line in Cairo (engraving), Loye, Charles Auguste (Montbard) (1841-1905) / Bridgeman Images
Musicians of the Soudan performing at an Arab Coffee-House in Old Cairo (engraving), Loye, Charles Auguste (Montbard) (1841-1905) / Bridgeman Images
La marseillaise dessin appeared in the newspaper la sling, 19th century (engraving), Loye, Charles Auguste (Montbard) (1841-1905) / Bridgeman Images