ICA4846723: Cover of “” The Red Laughter””, Satirical in Colors, 1917_10_13: War of 14 -18: the new game of cards-the king of coal - Belligerants and symbols, Charcoal, Card game - Louis Loucheur (1872-1931) - Illustration by Charles Leandre (1862-1934), Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4863198: Cover of “” The Laughter””, number 321, Satirical en Couleurs, 1909_3_27: Les camelots du Roy - Anticlericalism, Royalism - Reactionaries, Failure of the Church - Marianne, Royalte/Monarchy, Cures - Illustration by Charles Leandre (1862-1934), Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4866530: Illustration of Charles Leandre (1862-1934) for the Cover of Le Rire, 27/09/13 - Field-Marschall Constantine - Germany Prussia, Helmet with Pointe, Armee, Greece - Ferdinand of Bulgaria (1816-1948), Konstantin Constantin 1st (1868-1923) - Shoe Shine, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4848580: Le Lire rouge, Satirique en N & B, 1918_10_5: War of 14 -18, Belligerants et symbols, Victoire, Soissons, Gastronomie, Aisne, Roye, Noyon, Chateau-Thierry, Bapaume - General Generaux, Charles Mangin (1866-1925), Henri Gouraud (1867-1946) - Illustration by Charles Leandre (1862-1934), Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4156894: Eugene Henri Brisson (1835-1912), French lawyer, journalist and politician - Marianne lifts a red cap from Bresson's head and from her head seems to rise the goddess Athena with all attributes - caricature by Charles Leandre (1862-1934) in “” Le Rire””” of April 23, 1898, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images