Leoni, Leone (1509-90)

Creator details

Leoni, Leone (1509-90)

Assets (21 in total)

Portrait bust of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (1500-58) (bronze)
Reverse of medallion of Andrea Doria depicting the artist surrounded by the chains of a convict and with a galley in background, c.1541 (silver) (see 122337 for obverse)
Portrait medallion of Andrea Doria (1466-1560) (obverse), c.1541 (silver) (see 122338 for reverse)
Obverse of medal of Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) at the age of 88, 1561 (silver) (see 122330 for Reverse)
Testone of Charles V (1500-58) Duke of Milan, engraved by Dye, 1535-56 (obverse) (silver) (for reverse see 168055)
Reverse of medallion depicting Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), 1561 (silver) (see 98877 for Obverse)
Scenes from the Trajan's Column: Romans Attacking, Dacians Watching the Disaster in the River, Dacians Swept by the Danube, 16th century (plaster)
Scenes from the Trajan's Column: Roman Horseman Chasing a Sarmatian, Sarmatian Horsemen Attacking, Troops Ferried on the River, 16th century (plaster)
Scenes from the Trajan's Column: Two Dacians During the Siege, Dacian Fighting in Tanae, Roman Explorer, 16th century (plaster)
Pietà (copy from Michelangelo), c.1560 (plaster)
Testone of Charles V (1500-58) Duke of Milan, engraved by Dye, 1535-56 (reverse) (silver) (for obverse see 168054)
Profile portrait of Emperor Charles V, relief (bronze)

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