Della Robbia, Luca (1400-82)

Creator details

Della Robbia, Luca (1400-82)

Assets (79 in total)

Madonna and Child, 1445-50 (enamelled terracotta)
Singing angels, relief from the Cantoria by Luca della Robbia (1400-82), c.1435 (marble)
Musical angels, relief from the Cantoria, c.1432-38 (marble)
Reconstructed Cantoria, c.1432-8 (marble)
Panelboard of Cantoria or Tribune of singers: a children's choir, 1431-1438 (High marble relief)
Singing angels, detail from the Cantoria, c.1432-38 (marble)
Stemma of the silk weavers' guild (glazed terracotta)
Trumpeting angels, relief from the Cantoria, c.1432-38 (marble)
Justice, roundal from the Tomb of the Cardinal of Portugal, 1460's (glazed terracotta)
Stemma of the guild of physicians and apothecaries, 1464-65 (glazed terracotta)
Virgin and Child (terracotta)
The Madonna of the Apple (glazed terracotta)

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