Enamelled terracotta representing the resurrection above the northern door of the sacristy of the Church of Santa Maria del Fiore - 1442 (Low relief), Della Robbia, Luca (1400-82) / Bridgeman Images
Madonna with Child and the Sts Dominic, Thomas, Albert the Great and Peter Martyr, 1450 - 1451 (glazed terracotta), Della Robbia, Luca (1400-82) / Bridgeman Images
Panel of the Cantoria or Grandstand of singers: child playing cymbals. 1431-1438. (marble high relief), Della Robbia, Luca (1400-82) / Bridgeman Images
Allegory of Music as Orpheus.The animals listen to Orpheus playing the lute, 15th century (High relief), Della Robbia, Luca (1400-82) / Bridgeman Images
Candle bearing angel, detail of the head (glazed ceramic) (detail of 97636) (for pair see 97637-8), Della Robbia, Luca (1400-82) / Bridgeman Images
The Virgin of the Apple Sculpture by Luca della Robbia (ca. 1400-1482) Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Della Robbia, Luca (1400-82) / Bridgeman Images