Steam machine. (Locomotive spinning overnight and fog), 20th century (oil on canvas), Samokhvalov, Aleksandr Nikolaevic (1894-1971) / Bridgeman Images
A young woman member of the civil defense of the U.S.S. (OSOAVIAKHIM), 1932 (oil on canvas), Samokhvalov, Aleksandr Nikolaevic (1894-1971) / Bridgeman Images
Lenin At The Second Congress Of The Soviet Of Workers, Soldiers And Peasants, Deputies On The 26 October 1917, 1958 (oil on canvas), Samokhvalov, Aleksandr Nikolaevic (1894-1971) / Bridgeman Images
Work in the channel; workers in a weaving plant in U.R.S.S. (The Weavers), 1929 (oil on canvas), Samokhvalov, Aleksandr Nikolaevic (1894-1971) / Bridgeman Images
Worker in the construction of the Moscow Metro (Metro Construction Worker in Moscow), 1931 (oil on canvas), Samokhvalov, Aleksandr Nikolaevic (1894-1971) / Bridgeman Images
The delegates. (During the Congres of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (PCUS)), 1939 (oil on canvas), Samokhvalov, Aleksandr Nikolaevic (1894-1971) / Bridgeman Images
Soviets and electrification are the basics of the new world, 1928-32 (litho), Samokhvalov, Aleksandr Nikolaevic (1894-1971) / Bridgeman Images
Appassionnata (sonata for piano number 23) by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), 1967 (oil on canvas), Samokhvalov, Aleksandr Nikolaevic (1894-1971) / Bridgeman Images