Annett, Jeremy (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

Annett, Jeremy
b.1942 Jeremy David Annett was born in England and in 1956, at the age of 14, he won the first prize in the National Young Painters Competition in which there were 52,000 entrants. Between 1958 and 1964 he studied art at St Martin’s College of Art in London and in Hornsey where he obtained his National Diploma of Design and his teacher’s certificate. He taught art at the De Burgh School in Surrey until his departure from England in 1965. Since his first vernisage in Paris in 1966 he has had exhibitions in Rome, the West Indies, the United States and throughout France. He exhibited annually in France, first in Paris, then since 1978 at the Simone Boudet Gallery, Toulouse, then from 1983 at the Manuel Gallery in Aix en Provence. Jeremy Annett who has won many French prizes. He lives and works in the South West of France showing his paintings in the Contre-Courant Gallery on the Ile de Ré on France’s beautiful West coast.

Assets (36 in total)

Ile de Re (oil on canvas)
Wind of Change, 1991 (oil on canvas)
Reference, 1991 (oil on canvas)
Green Transparency (Transparence verte) 1981 (oil on canvas)
Out of Season (Hors Saison), 1993 (oil on canvas)
Paros, 1985 (oil on canvas)
Partie de Campagne, 1988 (oil on canvas)
Liaisons, 1986 (oil on canvas)
Studio, 1986 (oil on canvas)
Chapter, 1990 (oil on canvas)
Open Door, 1987 (oil on canvas)
Nue Allongée (Reclining Nude)

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