Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) Assets (186 in total)

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The Evening Before the Journey to England - Study Room, pub. in 'Lasst Licht Hinin'(`Let in More Light'), 1909
The Evening Before the Journey to England - Study Room, pub. in 'Lasst Licht Hinin'(`Let in More Light'), 1909

STC61917: The Evening Before the Journey to England - Study Room, pub. in 'Lasst Licht Hinin'(`Let in More Light'), 1909, Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images


CP9911: Krattning, Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

The children filled the buckets and baskets with potatoes (colour litho)
The children filled the buckets and baskets with potatoes (colour litho)

IL1630693: The children filled the buckets and baskets with potatoes (colour litho), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Lisbeth Reading (w/c with tempera on paper)
Lisbeth Reading (w/c with tempera on paper)

XOS3086678: Lisbeth Reading (w/c with tempera on paper), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

The Feast of St. Lucy on 13th December, 1916 (colour litho)
The Feast of St. Lucy on 13th December, 1916 (colour litho)

CHT237190: The Feast of St. Lucy on 13th December, 1916 (colour litho), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

In the Kitchen Garden, 1883 (w/c on paper)
In the Kitchen Garden, 1883 (w/c on paper)

SNM284664: In the Kitchen Garden, 1883 (w/c on paper), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Self portrait of the artist with his daughter, Brita, 1899 (colour litho)
Self portrait of the artist with his daughter, Brita, 1899 (colour litho)

CHT241247: Self portrait of the artist with his daughter, Brita, 1899 (colour litho), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Crayfishing, from 'A Home' series, c.1895 (w/c on paper)
Crayfishing, from 'A Home' series, c.1895 (w/c on paper)

XOS3086649: Crayfishing, from 'A Home' series, c.1895 (w/c on paper), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Esbjorn and the Peasant Girl; Esbjorn och Bondflickan, 1904 (pencil, charcoal, watercolour and bodycolour on paper)
Esbjorn and the Peasant Girl; Esbjorn och Bondflickan, 1904 (pencil, charcoal, watercolour and bodycolour on paper)

CH659719: Esbjorn and the Peasant Girl; Esbjorn och Bondflickan, 1904 (pencil, charcoal, watercolour and bodycolour on paper), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Anna Arnbom (Kitchen Scene), pub. in 'Lasst Licht Hinin' (`Let in More Light'), 1909
Anna Arnbom (Kitchen Scene), pub. in 'Lasst Licht Hinin' (`Let in More Light'), 1909

STC61903: Anna Arnbom (Kitchen Scene), pub. in 'Lasst Licht Hinin' (`Let in More Light'), 1909, Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

The Print Room, pub. in 'Lasst Licht Hinin'(`Let in More Light'), 1910
The Print Room, pub. in 'Lasst Licht Hinin'(`Let in More Light'), 1910

STC61914: The Print Room, pub. in 'Lasst Licht Hinin'(`Let in More Light'), 1910, Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

My Wife (Karin in the Studio) 1912 (pencil, w/c & bodycolour)
My Wife (Karin in the Studio) 1912 (pencil, w/c & bodycolour)

CH419898: My Wife (Karin in the Studio) 1912 (pencil, w/c & bodycolour), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

The Workroom, pub. in 'Lasst Licht Hinin' (`Let in More Light'), 1909
The Workroom, pub. in 'Lasst Licht Hinin' (`Let in More Light'), 1909

STC61902: The Workroom, pub. in 'Lasst Licht Hinin' (`Let in More Light'), 1909, Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Johana milking the cows (colour litho)
Johana milking the cows (colour litho)

IL1630689: Johana milking the cows (colour litho), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

The Vine, 1884 (w/c on paper)
The Vine, 1884 (w/c on paper)

XOS3086689: The Vine, 1884 (w/c on paper), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Along came Joanna leading Blomma the cow (colour litho)
Along came Joanna leading Blomma the cow (colour litho)

IL1630681: Along came Joanna leading Blomma the cow (colour litho), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Our church at Sundborn (colour litho)
Our church at Sundborn (colour litho)

IL1630690: Our church at Sundborn (colour litho), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

When the Children have Gone to Bed, from 'A Home' series, c.1895 (w/c on paper)
When the Children have Gone to Bed, from 'A Home' series, c.1895 (w/c on paper)

XOS3086695: When the Children have Gone to Bed, from 'A Home' series, c.1895 (w/c on paper), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

The Timber Chute, Winter Scene, from 'A Home' series, c.1895 (w/c on paper)
The Timber Chute, Winter Scene, from 'A Home' series, c.1895 (w/c on paper)

XOS3086677: The Timber Chute, Winter Scene, from 'A Home' series, c.1895 (w/c on paper), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

The Witch's Daughter, 1881 (oil on canvas)
The Witch's Daughter, 1881 (oil on canvas)

CH422595: The Witch's Daughter, 1881 (oil on canvas), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Esbjorn Convalescing
Esbjorn Convalescing

NUM39110: Esbjorn Convalescing, Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Gladys, 1895
Gladys, 1895

BAL9871: Gladys, 1895, Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Model Writing Postcards, 1906 (w/c on paper)
Model Writing Postcards, 1906 (w/c on paper)

NUM166698: Model Writing Postcards, 1906 (w/c on paper), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Autumn, 1884 (w/c on paper)
Autumn, 1884 (w/c on paper)

XOS3086691: Autumn, 1884 (w/c on paper), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Carpenter Hellberg's kids
Carpenter Hellberg's kids

CP9909: Carpenter Hellberg's kids, Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Pontus, 1890 (oil on canvas)
Pontus, 1890 (oil on canvas)

XOS3086652: Pontus, 1890 (oil on canvas), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Between Christmas and New Year, from 'A Home' series, c.1895 (w/c on paper)
Between Christmas and New Year, from 'A Home' series, c.1895 (w/c on paper)

XOS3086694: Between Christmas and New Year, from 'A Home' series, c.1895 (w/c on paper), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Last of all came little Kertsi with a willow twig to drive the cows (colour litho)
Last of all came little Kertsi with a willow twig to drive the cows (colour litho)

IL1630688: Last of all came little Kertsi with a willow twig to drive the cows (colour litho), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

The Bedroom, published in 'Lasst Licht Hinin', 1909 (colour litho)
The Bedroom, published in 'Lasst Licht Hinin', 1909 (colour litho)

STC61907: The Bedroom, published in 'Lasst Licht Hinin', 1909 (colour litho), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Muck spreading on a fallow field (colour litho)
Muck spreading on a fallow field (colour litho)

IL1630692: Muck spreading on a fallow field (colour litho), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

The Gardener; Tradgardsmastaren, 1883 (oil on canvas)
The Gardener; Tradgardsmastaren, 1883 (oil on canvas)

CH659717: The Gardener; Tradgardsmastaren, 1883 (oil on canvas), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Old Sundborn Church, from 'A Home' series, c.1895 (w/c on paper)
Old Sundborn Church, from 'A Home' series, c.1895 (w/c on paper)

XOS3086654: Old Sundborn Church, from 'A Home' series, c.1895 (w/c on paper), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Front cover (colour litho)
Front cover (colour litho)

IL1630680: Front cover (colour litho), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Young Girl, 1903 (colour litho)
Portrait of a Young Girl, 1903 (colour litho)

CP9912: Portrait of a Young Girl, 1903 (colour litho), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

The Old Man and the Nursery Garden, 1883 (w/c on paper)
The Old Man and the Nursery Garden, 1883 (w/c on paper)

XOS3086664: The Old Man and the Nursery Garden, 1883 (w/c on paper), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

The Bridesmaid, 1908 (w/c & pencil on paper)
The Bridesmaid, 1908 (w/c & pencil on paper)

NGF476532: The Bridesmaid, 1908 (w/c & pencil on paper), Larsson, Carl (1853-1919) / Bridgeman Images

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