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MGH345427: Head of Bernard Reynolds, 1963 (ciment fondu), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345427
Head of Bernard Reynolds, 1963 (ciment fondu)
Hambling, Maggi (b.1945)
MGH345442: Room 271 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345442
Room 271 (oil on canvas)
MGH345443: Cabaret, 1972 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345443
Cabaret, 1972 (oil on canvas)
MGH345450: Lett Seated, 1973 (pencil on paper), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345450
Lett Seated, 1973 (pencil on paper)
MGH345469: David Crawford, 1979 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345469
David Crawford, 1979 (oil on canvas)
MGH345482: Monkey listening to Silence, 1981 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345482
Monkey listening to Silence, 1981 (oil on canvas)
JRD3593532: Jemma, 1992 (monotype), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: JRD3593532
Jemma, 1992 (monotype)
CTB3742498: July Sunrise, Orwell Estuary 8, 1987 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CTB3742498
July Sunrise, Orwell Estuary 8, 1987 (oil on canvas)
SLN2639812: Night Wave Crest, 2008 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: SLN2639812
Night Wave Crest, 2008 (oil on canvas)
TNS3833450: The Scallop (photo), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: TNS3833450
The Scallop (photo)
TNS3833452: The Scallop (photo), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: TNS3833452
TNS3833454: The Scallop (photo), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: TNS3833454
PFA156006: Balloon Lady, 1962 (w/c over pen and ink), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PFA156006
Balloon Lady, 1962 (w/c over pen and ink)
MGH345437: Lightbulb, 1967 (oil on canavs), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345437
Lightbulb, 1967 (oil on canavs)
MGH347200: Encounter, 1982 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH347200
Encounter, 1982 (oil on canvas)
MGH347204: July Surprise, Orwell Estuary, I, 1984 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH347204
July Surprise, Orwell Estuary, I, 1984 (oil on canvas)
MGH347212: Dorothy Hodgkin, 1985 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH347212
Dorothy Hodgkin, 1985 (oil on canvas)
MGH347216: Battery Hen, 1986 (oil on canvas) (detail), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH347216
Battery Hen, 1986 (oil on canvas) (detail)
MGH347217: Dragon Sunrise, 1985 (watercolour), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH347217
Dragon Sunrise, 1985 (watercolour)
LYT6950730: Summer Wave With Gull, 2017 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LYT6950730
Summer Wave With Gull, 2017 (oil on canvas)
MGH345444: Ladies' Powder Room, 1972 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345444
Ladies' Powder Room, 1972 (oil on canvas)
MGH345446: Lady singing, 1972 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345446
Lady singing, 1972 (oil on canvas)
MGH345447: Drinking Man, 1972 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345447
Drinking Man, 1972 (oil on canvas)
MGH345467: Self Portrait, 1977 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345467
Self Portrait, 1977 (oil on canvas)
MGH345472: Sleepwalkers, 1978 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345472
Sleepwalkers, 1978 (oil on canvas)
MGH345473: The Mirror Bar, 1979 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345473
The Mirror Bar, 1979 (oil on canvas)
MGH345476: Anthony Reynolds, 1980 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345476
Anthony Reynolds, 1980 (oil on canvas)
MGH345498: Max and Me- In Praise of Smoking, 1982 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345498
Max and Me- In Praise of Smoking, 1982 (oil on canvas)
MGH347251: Michael Jackson, 2004 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH347251
Michael Jackson, 2004 (oil on canvas)
MGH347285: The Happy Dead, 1990 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH347285
The Happy Dead, 1990 (oil on canvas)
MGH471844: Hands of Christ, 1975 (oil on canvas) (see also 348213-14), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH471844
Hands of Christ, 1975 (oil on canvas) (see also 348213-14)
HB715147: Waves 2, 2010 (oil on board) , Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: HB715147
Waves 2, 2010 (oil on board)
JRD3593531: Frances Rose, 1973 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: JRD3593531
Frances Rose, 1973 (oil on canvas)
MGH347259: Lebanon, 1985-2005 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH347259
Lebanon, 1985-2005 (oil on canvas)
CH658084: Mirror Bar, 1979-80 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH658084
Mirror Bar, 1979-80 (oil on canvas)
MGH345207: George Melly, 1998 (oil on canvas), Hambling, Maggi (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MGH345207
George Melly, 1998 (oil on canvas)