Pope Clement VII marrying Catherine de Medici and Henri II of France, 28th October 1533, from the 'Sala di Clemente VII' (fresco), Vasari, Giorgio (1511-74) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Giotto di Bondone (c.1267-1337) from Vasari's 'Lives of the Artists', first published 1550 (engraving), Vasari, Giorgio (1511-74) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Sandro Botticelli (1444/5-1510) from Vasari's 'Lives of the Artists', first published 1550 (engraving), Vasari, Giorgio (1511-74) / Bridgeman Images
Laurent of Medicis or Laurent the Magnificent (Lorenzo il Magnifico, 1449-1492) receiving the ambassadors, Vasari, Giorgio (1511-74) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Lorenzo Ghiberti (1378-1455) from Vasari's 'Lives of the Artists', first published 1550 (engraving), Vasari, Giorgio (1511-74) / Bridgeman Images
Diagram of Pythagorean octave scale Page 34 of 'Descrizione delle immagini dipinte da Raffaelle d'Urbino nel Palazzo Vaticano' by Giovanni Pietro Bellori and Giorgio Vasari, published 1751 (engraving), Vasari, Giorgio (1511-74) / Bridgeman Images
Portraits of Michelangelo, Lorenzo de' Medici, Duke of Urbino, Giuliano dei Medici and Leonardo da Vinci, detail from 'Pope Leo X Elects Numerous Cardinals', 1553-85 (fresco), Vasari, Giorgio (1511-74) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Tomaso Masaccio (1401-28) from Vasari's 'Lives of the Artists', first published 1550 (engraving), Vasari, Giorgio (1511-74) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Piero dell Francesca (1415-92) from Vasari's 'Lives of the Artists', first published 1550 (engraving), Vasari, Giorgio (1511-74) / Bridgeman Images