Burnand, Eugene (1850-1921)

Creator details

Burnand, Eugene (1850-1921)

Assets (48 in total)

The Disciples Peter and John Running to the Sepulchre on the Morning of the Resurrection, 1898 (oil on canvas)
Friar Angel and the three brigands, 1919 (colour litho)
St Francis preaches to the birds, 1919 (colour litho)
A young friar, 1919 (colour litho)
St Francis and the friars discourse of God, 1919 (colour litho)
St Francis tames the wild Turtle Doves, 1919 (colour litho)
St Francis on his deathbed, 1919 (colour litho)
St Francis, 1919 (colour litho)
St Francis sets forthto Friar Leo where perfect joy is found, 1919 (colour litho)
St Francis makes Friar Masseo turn round many times to find the way he should go, 1919 (colour litho)
Friar Masseo is appointed doorkeeper, 1919 (colour litho)
St Clare, 1919 (colour litho)

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