Romano, Giulio (1492-1546) (and workshop)

Creator details

Romano, Giulio (1492-1546) (and workshop)

Assets (86 in total)

The Council of the Gods, ceiling decoration from the 'Loggia of Cupid and Psyche', 1510-17 (fresco)
Thetis giving Achilles his arms (fresco)
Zeus surrounded by other gods of Olympus throwing lightnings against the Giants and destructing them, vault and the South and West walls, Chamber of the Giants (Sala dei Giganti ), 1526-1528
Olympia is seduced by Jupiter, whose thunderbolt is seized by an eagle who drills the eye of the jealous king of Macedonia, from the Sala di Amore e Psiche, 1528 (fresco)
The noble banquet celebrating the marriage of Cupid and Psyche from the Sala di Amore e Psiche, 1527-31 (fresco) (for details see 78420-23)
Zeus surrounded by other gods of Olympus throwing lightnings against the Giants and destructing them, vault and the South and West walls, Chamber of the Giants (Sala dei Giganti ), 1526-1528
The giant Polyphemus with Galatea and the herdsman Acis, from the Sala di Amore e Psiche, 1528 (fresco)
Vulcan forging the armour of Achilles (fresco)
The Rustic Banquet, detail of putti making music, from the Sala di Amore e Psiche, 1528 (fresco) (detail from 78428)
The Rustic Banquet celebrating the marriage of Cupid and Psyche, with the three lunettes above depicting one of Psyche's ordeals to bring back from the Underworld a jar containing the beauty of Proserpine, from the Sala di Amore e Psiche, 1528 (fresco)
The Trojan Horse, Chamber of Troy (Sala di Troia), 1538 - 1539
The Dream of Hecuba (fresco)

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