Samacchini, Orazio (1532-77)

Creator details

Samacchini, Orazio (1532-77)

Assets (14 in total)

Hercules fighting the Lernaean Hydra,  detail from the Stories of Hercules, 1564-1565 (fresco)
The Annonciation, 16th century (oil on canvas)
Newborn Hercules fighting the snakes sent by Hera, under the gaze of his mother Alcmene,  detail from the Stories of Hercules, 1564-1565 (fresco)
A Standing Putto Holding the Papal Keys: A Study for a Lunette, c.1575 (black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown ink)
Iupiter with the Eagle, detail from the Stories of Hercules, 1564-1565 (fresco)
St. Peter, c.1575 (pen & brown ink and wash with chalk on paper)
Madonna and Child in a Glory of Music-making Angels with the Magdalen and Saint Petronius
Hercules fighting Antaeus, detail, 1564-1565 (fresco)
The Virgin and Child crowning St. Cecilia between St. Jerome and St. Francis, 1570 (oil on canvas transferred from panel)
Newborn Hercules fighting the snakes sent by Hera, under the gaze of his mother Alcmene, detail from the Stories of Hercules, 1564-1565 (fresco)
Four putti holding hands, project for the vault of the north transept of Parma Cathedral, c.1570 (pen & ink on paper)
Hercules fighting Antaeus, detail from the Stories of Hercules, 1564-1565 (fresco)

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