Keulemans, Johan Gerard (1842-1912)

Creator details

Keulemans, Johan Gerard (1842-1912)

Assets (18 in total)

The Magpie (w/c)
Bluebellied Roller, 1893 (hand-coloured lithograph)
Huia, illustration from 'A History of the Birds of New Zealand' by W.L. Buller, 1887-88 (chromolitho)
The Kakapo Parrot (Strigops habroptilius), 1872 (litho)
Eagle Owl (Bubo Ignavus), 1871-1896 (hand-coloured engraving)
New Zealand Quail, illustration from 'A History of the Birds of New Zealand' by W.L. Buller, 1887-88 (chromolitho)
Dichocerus Bicornis, 1876-1882 (hand-coloured lithograph)
A Kiwi, from 'A History of the birds of of New Zealand', by Walter Buller, pub. London, 1873 (hand-coloured litho)
Huia, from 'A History of the Birds of New Zealand' by Walter Lawry Buller, 1873 (hand-coloured litho)
Rose-coloured Starling (Pastor roseus), 1871-96 (hand coloured lithograph)
A Magpie Observing Fieldmice,  (coloured chalks and watercolour on paper)
Three Huia, c.1900 (w/c & gouache on paper)

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