Wallington, Gloria (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

Wallington, Gloria
Gloria has lived in Orkney for 20 years. Particularly fascinating to her artistic eye was the incredible life of the past depicted in stone - buried with almost easy access under the ground and to be seen on the Mainland and all the accompanying islands.  It is the Pictish stone on Birsay which gave the clue and led to Gloria look at the Pictish stones generally.   Primarily Gloria paints landscapes and flowers in oil paints but has experimented with the medium of monotype to combine the adventure of exploring Celtic myth and Pictish fantasy whilst giving her the opportunity to discover new elements and insights into herself. The power of these images travel through the centuries.

Assets (48 in total)

Celtic Image (monotype)
Rock Painting, 1994 (monotype)
Standing Stones
Midsummer Night, 1994 (monotype)
Pictish Hunting Scene III, 1995 (monotype)
Birsay Ceremony, 1996 (monotype)
Standing Stones II
Celebration, 1995 (monotype)
Papil birdman goes wandering, 1995 (monotype)
Pictish Raven, 1994 (monotype)
Ancient Travellers, 1995 (monotype)
The Changing Centuries (linocut)

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