Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) Assets (37 in total)
The Surrender of Yorktown, 19th October 1781, 1784 (gouache on vellum laid on cardboard), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
View of the city of Cape francais sea view in Santo Domingo Detail, 1779 (oil on canvas), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
The Siege of Yorktown, 1st-17th October 1781, detail of the central group, 1784 (gouache on paper), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
Lid of a snuff box made by Louis Roucel (d.1787) showing a room in its winter furnishings at the Hotel de Choiseul, c.1770 (enamel), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
Detail: 'View of the city of Cape francais (Cap de la Republique) view of the hill in Santo Domingo, detail, 1779 (painting), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
View of the city of Cap francais (Cap de la Republique) view from the hill in Santo Domingo Detail, 1779 (oil on canvas), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
Capture of Yorktown, Virginia, October 19, 1781 (gouache on paper, 18th century), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
War of the Succession of Austria: Siege of the castles of Namur by the Count of Clermont, 1782 (gouache, Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
Secession War: 'the Battle of Yorktown (or York Town) on October 17, 1781', 1785 (oil on canvas), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
The Capture of Ghent on the Night of July 10 to 11, 1745 Painting a la, 1745 (gouache), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
Guerre d'independance americaine: la bataille de Yorktown (ou York Town) le 19/10/1781, detail, 1784, Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
War of the Austrian Succession: 'Entrement of King Louis XV to Mons 30/05/1747', 1783 (oil on canvas), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
The seat of yorktown from October 6 to 19, 1781 (detail gouache on paper, 18th century), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
Capture of Yorktown, Virginia, October 19, 1781, (gouache on paper, 18th century), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
War of the Succession of Austria: 'Siege of Fribourg in Brisgau from 30 September to 1 November 1744 by Louis XV and the marechal of Coigny', 1781 (gouache), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
War of the Austrian Succession: Siege of the city of Maestricht by the Marechaux of Saxony and Lowendal, 1787 (gouache), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
War of the Succession of Austria: 'Siege of Ostend by Lieutenant General Earl of Lowendal from 13 to 23 August 1745, 1783 (gouache), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
War of the Succession of Austria: Siege of Brussels under the snow, 1781 (gouache), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
War of the Austrian Succession: Battle of Melle won by the Viscount of Chayla, 1784 (gouache), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
View of the siege of Menin by Louis XV from 28 May to 4 June 1744, 1780 (gouache), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images
War of the Austrian Succession: 'Siege of Namur from 6 to 19 September 1746', 1782 (gouche), Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van (1716-94) / Bridgeman Images