Matteo di Giovanni di Bartolo, (c.1430-95)

Creator details

Matteo di Giovanni di Bartolo, (c.1430-95)

Assets (17 in total)

Saint Nicholas of Bari (tempera on poplar wood)
Saint Bartholomew, the apostle (oil on wood)
Madonna and Child with angels, Saint Anthony of Padua and Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, early 1470s (tempera & oil on panel)
Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist and St. Michael the Archangel, c.1485-95 (tempera on panel)
Madonna and Child with SS. Catherine and Christopher, 1470 (panel)
Saint Barthelemy, apostle. Painting by Matteo di Giovanni (ca. 1430-1495), oil on wood, Italian art, 15th century. Museum of Fine Arts Budapest (Hungary).
Legend of Romulus and Remus: Amulius lays the twins on the Tiber. Painting by Matteo di Giovanni (1430-1495), detrempe on wood, 28,5 x34 cm. Italian art 15th century. Musee des Beaux Arts de Libourne.
Madonna and Child with Saint Jerome and Saint Sebastian
Madonna and Child with Saint Jerome and Saint Sebastian
Saint Augustine's Vision of Saints Jerome and John the Baptist, 1476 (tempera on panel)
Legend of Romulus and Remus: Romulus and Remus collected by the shepherd Faustulus. Painting by Matteo di Giovanni (1430-1495), detrempe on wood, 29.5 x35 cm. Italian art 15th century. Musee des Beaux Arts de Libourne.
St Barbara on the throne, Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint Catherine of Alexandria - oil on panel, 1479

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