Todd, Tony

Creator details

Todd, Tony
Tony Todd is a professional artists who lives and works from his small studio in Chilworth near Guildford, Surrey. He divides his time between exhibiting his work in galleries throughout London and the South of England and working on fine art commissions for many of the world’s leading publishers.<br /> <br /> Tony Todd studied at the Guildford, Harrow and St. Martin’s schools of Art and has spent many years working with agencies, studios and publishers in the UK. Well over 400 of his paintings have been used for Christmas greeting cards, calendars and book covers worldwide during the past five years. Recent commissions include a series of watercolours for Sir Emmanual and Lady Elizabeth Kaye and a watercolour commissioned for the Queen and Prince Philip for their Golden Wedding anniversary.<br />

Assets (74 in total)

Father Christmas on a Bicycle (w/c)
Kiss for Santa, 1997 (w/c on paper)
The Household Cavalry, 2005 (w/c on paper)
Salsa Night, 2001 (oil on board)
Christmas Robins (w/c)
The Three Shepherds, 2005 (w/c on paper)
Grandad is Coming For Christmas (w/c)
Nogood Boyo the layabout dreaming his dreams, 2005 (acrylic on panel)
Bank Holiday, 1999 (w/c on paper)
Tower Bridge, 2005 (w/c on paper)
Parson Eli Jenkins offers up a prayer to all and sundry, 2007 (acrylic on panel)
Present from Santa, 2005 (w/c on paper)

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