Gerasimov, Aleksandr Mikhailovic (1881-1963)

Creator details

Gerasimov, Aleksandr Mikhailovic (1881-1963)

Assets (22 in total)

Joseph Stalin (1879-1953) and Kliment Yefremovich Voroshilov in the Kremlin (1881-1969), 1938 (oil on canvas)
Lenin at the Tribune, 1947 (oil on canvas)
Stalin on the 16th Congress of the All Union Communist Party, 16th century (oil on canvas)
Portrait of the Artists Ivan Nikolaevich Pavlov (1872-1951) Vasili Nikolaevich Baksheev (1862-1958) Vitol'd Kaetanovich Byalynitsky-Birulya (1872-1957) and Vasili Nikitich Meshkov (1867-1946) 1944 (oil on canvas)
Paris La Nuit (Paris At Night), 1934 (tempera)
Le terminal feroviaire Kazansky a Moscou (Russie) (Kazansky Rail Terminal in Moscow), 1947 (watercolour on paper)
Vyacheslav Molotov (1890-1986) Speaking in the Bolshoy Theatre, 6th November 1947 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of the Genetician and Academician Ivan Vladimirovitch Mitchourine (Mitchourin), 1947 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of the poet Alexei Koltsov (1808-1842), 1956 (oil on canvas)
Church of the Virgin in the Veil (oil on canvas)
Portrait of the Ballet Dancer S. Golovnika, 1944 (oil on canvas)
Le bain russe (Russian bath), 1938 (oil on canvas)

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