The old parson watched the children on the village green in Devon, illustration from My Magazine, 1925 (litho), Dixon, Arthur A. (1872-1959) / Bridgeman Images
Wesley bidding farewell to his Irish friends, illustration from'Cassell's Romance of Famous Lives', c.1940 (litho), Dixon, Arthur A. (1872-1959) / Bridgeman Images
The "Serpent of the Nile" on her royal galley, illustration from'Cassell's Romance of Famous Lives', c.1940 (colour litho), Dixon, Arthur A. (1872-1959) / Bridgeman Images
Out came a chicken as big as an elephant (from the story of the Blue Belt), illustration from'A Book of Stories from the Norse', 1911 (litho), Dixon, Arthur A. (1872-1959) / Bridgeman Images
The lad caught up the princess (from the story Dapplegrim), illustration from'A Book of Stories from the Norse', 1911 (litho), Dixon, Arthur A. (1872-1959) / Bridgeman Images
A Saxon Surgery, illustration from 'Hutchinson's Story of the British Nation', c.1923 (litho), Dixon, Arthur A. (1872-1959) / Bridgeman Images
No Horse could run so fast, illustration from 'Stories of Russian Fairy Tales and Legends', published by Raphael Tuck, c.1910 (colour litho), Dixon, Arthur A. (1872-1959) / Bridgeman Images
The Queen of Sheba, from The Bible Story published by Hodder & Stoughton, c.1930 (colour litho), Dixon, Arthur A. (1872-1959) / Bridgeman Images