Guerard, Eugen von (1811-1901)

Creator details

Guerard, Eugen von (1811-1901)

Assets (13 in total)

Native figures in a canoe at Milford Sound, West Coast of South Island, New Zealand, also depicted are Mitre Peak and Bowens Fall, 1892
Castle Rock, Cape Schanck, 1865 (oil on canvas)
Defeat of the Russians by the Turks, at Kars (engraving)
North-east View from the Northern Top of Mount Kosciusko, 1863 (oil on canvas)
Aborigines by a Fire before Mount William as seen from Mount Dryden in the Grampians, Victoria, 1892 (oil)
Pulpit Rock near Melbourne, Victoria, 19th century
View of Purrumbete Station looking North West. Mt. Leura and Mt. Sugarloaf in the distance, Australia
Mr Clarke's Station, Deep Creek, near Keilor, 1867 (oil on canvas)
Marshal Pelissier, Commander-in-Chief of the French Army in the Crimea (engraving)
Mountain Scenery near Jamboroo, Victoria, 19th century
Mount Kosciusko, seen from the Victorian Border (Mount Hope Ranges) 1866 (oil on canvas)
Ferntree Gully in the Dandenong Ranges, 1857 (oil on canvas on cedar panel)

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