Heine, Thomas Theodor (1867-1948)

Creator details

Heine, Thomas Theodor (1867-1948)

Assets (44 in total)

The Octopus of Crisis, cover of a brochure relating to the crisis caused by the reparations imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles (1918), Hamburg 1931 (colour litho)
Art. Literature. The magazine Simplicissimus. Poster by Thomas Thedor Heine, Germany, c.1890 (poster)
The Peaceful Pope, front cover of a German magazine, 'Simplicissimus', pub. 1915 (litho)
The Car of the German Empire driven by Wilhelm II (1859-1941) illustration from the cover of 'Simplicissimus' 1907 (colour litho)
Caricature of Rudolf Steiner, illustration from 'Simplicissimus', published April 20 1925 (litho)
Influenza, from 'Simplicissimus', February 1929 (colour litho)
Crisis of the c.1930 (poster)
'The Giver of Work', cover of 'Simplicissimus' magazine, 3rd December 1928 (colour litho)
Cover of the German satirical magazine 'Simplicissimus', 21st November 1927. depicting Leon Trotsky (1879-1940) being attacked by red wolves (colour litho)
Last Dance in Galicia, front cover of a German magazine, 'Simplicissimus', 1915 (litho)
The Devil Burning the Disbelievers, from 'Simplicissimus', 12th October 1925 (colour litho)
Emile Coue (1857-1926) from the cover of 'Simplicissimus' magazine, 12th December 1925 (colour litho)

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