Yakulov, Georgi Bogdanovich (1884-1928)

Creator details

Yakulov, Georgi Bogdanovich (1884-1928)

Assets (12 in total)

Stage design for the operetta 'Girofle-Giroflia' by Alexandre Charles Lecocq, 1922 (gouache on paper)
Costume design for the operetta 'Girofle-Giroflia by Alexandre Charles Lecocq, 1922 (gouache on paper)
Preparatory decor for operette
Fantasy, c.1910 (oil on canvas)
Preparatory decor for operette
A Bar, 20th century (oil on canvas)
Café, 20th century (watercolour)
Preparatory costume for operette
Portrait of Panna Paskevich (tempera on board)
Composition for the Piece de Theater
Horse Race (Horseracing), 1911 (oil on panel)
Lion attacking a Horse, 1917-1918 (oil on wood)

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